Tibetan Language Courses

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Tibetan Language Courses

The LTWA also offers daily Tibetan language classes taught by experienced teachers to help people better understand Tibetan culture. Tibetan language courses are taught in two semesters: March 4 to July 12, and August 1 to December 13. There are three regular Tibetan language classes: basic, intermediate, and higher intermediate; and two regular speaking classes: basic and intermediate. There are two other classes: one basic casual Tibetan language class and one early morning advanced Tibetan language class. The classes are held five days a week from Monday to Friday.


  1. Serious students who wish to receive the LTWA certificate on completion of a semester must sit for monthly tests.
  2. New students who wish to study basic Tibetan language will be admitted to the Casual Tibetan Language Course at any time during a semester. For other Tibetan language and speaking classes, new students will not be admitted after the third week of a semester.