Buddhist Philosophy Courses

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Buddhist Philosophy Courses

The LTWA offers daily Buddhist philosophy classes to help people appreciate and understand “reality” and help them deal with daily life. The classes are taught by qualified geshes in Buddhist philosophy who have dedicated a major part of their lives to study and practice. English translators are provided. Courses focus either on specific Indian or Tibetan texts or on significant topics of Buddhist philosophy and practice. The texts covered in the classes provide the foundation for a lifetime of meditation practice. Every day fifteen minutes of the class is dedicated to meditation practice, and Buddhist logic and debate is taught every Wednesday in the classes.

Note: Dates and times may change due to scheduled or unscheduled public teachings given by His Holiness the Dalai Lama. Such changes will be announced in advance. There will be no classes on Saturday, Sunday, and other official holidays. Occasionally a class may need to be cancelled or postponed. Prospective students are therefore requested to call, email, or visit www.tibetanlibrary.org to confirm the schedule before coming to the LTWA.

Important information:

  1. All students are requested to attend the opening ceremony in the LTWA Conference Hall at 10 am, on March 4.
  2. Buddhist philosophy students will also receive the LTWA certificate on completion of a Buddhist topic/s or text/s in a semester provided that the students have at least 80% of attendance.
  3. All the LTWA students will celebrate the closing ceremony together after each semester.